(英語版は下にあります) 勉強のために両方をよんでみてください!最近では、海外旅行、休暇、出張さえも楽しみにできない状況のため、英語の勉強が遅れ、完全に勉強する意欲を失ってしまうことすらあります。

Keeping Your English Motivation High in the Coronavirus Era
Nowadays, with no traveling abroad, working holidays, or even business trips to look forward to, it’s easy for English studies to fall behind and even to lose motivation to study completely.
What can be done to get over this motivational slump and get those English skills pumped up again? After losing motivation, starting again is often the hardest part. Here are six simple tips that anybody can use to help boost motivation and start studying English again.
1. Detox from short-term, dopamine boosting activities such as using social media, turning on the TV, or checking your messages.
This is one of the greatest motivation-killers of the 21st century. People often have trouble focusing on English studies because it’s so much easier to do something else that provides a short-term sense of satisfaction. Especially during corona, while spending so much time at home, this is an easy trap to fall into.
Try to go one week without looking at social media, watching YouTube videos, or turning on the TV. Instead, open your English book. This will be very difficult to adjust to during the first few days, but it will become much easier, and you’ll feel much better about yourself.
2. Put studying into your daily schedule.
Making studying part of your daily routine, just like going to work and eating dinner, is a great way to make real progress and to not lose motivation.
It’s easier to begin studying if you’re mentally prepared for it, and putting a study block in your calendar is a great way to get mentally prepared. Again, it could take a week or so for it to feel normal, but soon it’ll just be an everyday habit, and your motivation will increase!|
3. Remember that things will go back to normal.
Take a deep breath and remember that life will go on as it did before after Coronavirus has run its course. A day will soon come when it’s little more than a pop culture reference.
Soon you’ll be able to go wherever you want. Soon, foreign tourists will be crowding Kyoto again. Remember this, because it doesn’t make sense to come out of this era less skilled! Which leads me to my next point…
4. Use this free time to become a better version of yourself.
The quest to learn English is never on pause. Language skills deteriorate surprisingly fast when not used. It’s negative progress!
BUT, it’s important to not feel bad about any progress you’ve lost. Just continue again. It’s the same feeling that you have when you stop exercising. You begin to gain weight, lose muscle, and lose progress. But you can always start again and get back to where you were in the past and go beyond that!
5. Set a goal and talk about it with the people around you
One of best ways to stay motivated about something is to have a goal! Create a simple goal for yourself (for example, a TOEIC score goal, reading an English book, watching an English movie without Japanese subtitles, etc.).
Next, share your goal with the people around you. Remember that everyone is in the same situation. Chat about study progress and new challenges. Talk about goals and how you’ll meet them. This will definitely get you excited for studying!
We hope that you will be able to boost your motivation with these tips. We believe in you! Let’s all do our best to not worry about any progress we’ve lost, and move forward in our English lives.
Use this time to become better English speakers, so that when the boarder restrictions do open up, you will be ready to enjoy traveling and other international opportunities as much as possible!
Good luck staying focused and getting through these new challenges!