(英語版は下にあります) 勉強のために両方をよんでみてください!「語学コーチング」という言葉を聞いたことがありますか?ますます人気が高まっている言葉です。それが何を意味するのか、そして語学教育とどのように違うのかについて話しましょう。
言語コーチングでは、自宅での指示されたインプットで多くのことを学ぶ必要があるため、より多くの内容をより短時間で行えるようにします。 AさんとBさんがいたとします。 Aさんは週に1回、インストラクターと一緒にジムでエクササイズをしています。 Bさんは、週に1回、コーチと一緒にジムで運動し、自宅ではコーチのアドバイスに従って週に3回運動します。どちらがより進歩すると思いますか?

Language Teaching vs. Language Coaching
Have you ever heard the term “language coaching”? It’s a word that’s become increasingly popular. Let’s talk about what it means, and how it’s different than language teaching.
But first, what do you think “language coaching” might mean? Is it possible that your favorite English teacher is actually a language coach?!
Well, if they don’t just lecture a class about English rules, they might just be a coach. A language coach guides a language learner down their own path toward fluency. Here are 5 points to help clarify:
1. Language coaches teach students how to learn, so that they can learn at home
If you’re learning a language, you must also study at home to make progress. That’s why language coaches proactively teach students about how to study the material, rather than focusing on teaching it all themselves. Language coaches focus on teaching the student how to learn, so that students can study at home and grow quicker!
2. Language coaching focuses on fast and efficient growth
Because language coaching requires the student to study a lot at home with guided input, this system is used to cover more content in a shorter time. Imagine there are two people (person A and person B). Person A works out at the gym once a week with his instructor. Person B works out at the gym once a week with his coach, and works out at home three times a week by following his coach’s advice. Which person do you think will make more progress?
3. Language coaching closely matches your level
Language coaches can analyze a student’s level, and know exactly what the student should be learning in order to maximize growth. Since the coach knows what the student has been learning, and how they’ve been studying it, it is easy for the coach to decide how to move forward, and at what pace. In contrast, language teachers just teach a specific part of a specific book, and don’t have a clear image of what the student knows or doesn’t know.
4. Language coaching is very personalized
Language coaches take time to learn and understand your personality, interests, goals, strengths and weaknesses. By doing this, the coach can adjust the lesson content to match you. This provides meaningful context in lessons, and helps boost retention and motivation. Having a language coach means you’re much more likely to learn the things most relevant to you.
5. Language coaching is suitable for private or small group lessons
Because language coaching is so personalized, and is unique for each student, it is most suitable for private and small group lessons. Language teaching is most suitable for large group lessons.
If you’re on a quest to master a foreign language, you will certainly be able to speed up your progress with a good coach to guide you. It could be just what you need to get motivated, or to push you past the learning plateau you’ve been stuck on.
Best of luck on your English endeavors!